1. Name of Business: Coach Hans M. Assisa
2. Phone number: +257 61 68 62 77 (whatsapp) / +257 71 921 430 (Call)
3. Email address:
4. Address of the business: Boulevard de la liberté, Immeuble Bujahub Plaza en face de l’office Natinal du Tourisme.
5. Opening hours: from 8 a.m to 6p.m From Monday to Friday open on Saturday and Sunday from online
6. Languages: French, English, Kirundi, Kiswahili
7. Social Media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (@Hans M. Assisa)
Slogan : History will remember everybody, but the question is ” How do you want to me remembered? It’s your choice. ”
Motto : _Life is what you make of it_